The K-beauty adventurers are officially resurrected!

Hiya Darlings!
Long time no see, right? I knoooow!

So, sometimes life happens, like smashes you in the face with seven bats and a weirdly shaped vase only your great grandmother would appreciate. And then you sort of don’t have the time or energy to blog. I didn’t get hit by a vase or anything, just painting a picture here, you guys.
But then! Something magical happens. Spring arrives, you start eating your veggies, getting them vitamins and such, and life is great. In other words, we’re back! *Insert hearts and happy unicorns here*
Relatert bilde

And even if the winter deep sleep has been long and silent, we’ve still managed to test and try a variety of products, let me tell you guys, I have a lot of “Monday, not so fun day” rants for you! Can’t wait, *happy dance*!

Anyhow, I’m super excited, are you?



The biggest game changer so far!

Hello everybody!

So, i know it’s been quite some time since you heard from me, and for that I’m sorry. I’ve been meaning to post for a while now, but sometimes life and health just won’t cooperate (something that’s been happening quite a bit lately). Hopefully things are starting to turn around, resulting in the blog being back to normal. That’s what I’m aiming for at least, and I have quite a few things I want to write about! So without further ado, let’s start with a product that literally has CHANGED my skin game like no other. I’m talking about the 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil from The Ordinary!

I’ve already talked about this product here, and Mocka has reviewed it here, but this oil is a total amazefest so I decided that it deserved another post! And here we are. If you read my last post about the Rose Hip Seed Oil, you may remember that I really enjoyed using it every night and that I believed it to keep my troubled skin in check. However, I wasn’t 100% sure, because it does take a couple of weeks for a product to show it’s true colours.

This is an oil that is supposed to have skin clearing properties, amongst other things, and boy is that true! I can say, hand on heart, that this product has been the biggest game changer for me, so far. And I f*ckin’ love it. Sure, I’ve noticed small improvements after using other skin care products aswell, and my skin is better now than it was a year ago, even without the Rose Hip Seed Oil. But hot damn! After I introduced this oil to my skin and let it work it’s magic for a few weeks, my skin looks amazing compared to what it used to. And no, it’s still not perfect, but it’s pretty damn close! And I’m never going to stop using it.

The way I apply this oily delight to my skin, is first mixing it with Skinfood’s Tea Tree Clearing Emulsion on my hand, then spread the “mixture” on my face. It works wonders! But you can also mix it with other products or just apply it on it’s own. Just make sure you apply the oil after you’re done applying your water-based products. This also means that the oil won’t nesicarily blend well with all products, if you choose to mix it like I do. You kinda just have to find out through some good old trial and error! Good luck, it’s totally worth it 😀

It’s also worth mentioning that The Ordinary actually isn’t a Korean brand BUT other than being a very effective product, it’s also natural, organic, nourishing and super cheap! Oh, and it will last you a long time.

This post probably sounds very “sponsored” by now, but I promise you, it’s not. I’m just a regular skin care junkie that has discovered a truly amazing product that I love and will from now on never be without. And I just wanted to share the news with you, so it hopefully can help others with awkward skin 🙂

That’s it for now!

Until next time,

Don’t lead me in to temptation, I can find it myself, thank you very much.

Hiya Darlings!
Missed me?

For once the weather up north has been summer-ish, so I’ve spent far too much time trying to get tanned when I should in fact realize that I’m a lobster-girl. Forever red, never sunkissed.
But! I haven’t forgotten you, even if you’ve forgotten me!
So today I thought I’d share a little something something, which basically means that I broke my no-buy, for the what, 19283959th time? And just HAD to get some things!
So this is what I’m currently longing to get my peach smelling impatient little hands on!

Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum
This.. Where to begin? Vicky has raved about this since the beginning of time, so first I ordered a pack of 20 samples, used them, didn’t really feel overly enthusiastic about it, until I ran out. I actually started missing the serum from my routine, and seeing as my beloved peach serum  seems to be discontinued, I have to find something else to love, I’m thinking this will do until I find my HG/Love of my life serum.


Missha All Around Safe Block Soft Finish Sun Milk

To be honest, this is just a repurchase of the sunscreen close to my heart.
I’m THIS close to running out, and unless I want to act like a weird emo vampire, this better arrive soon! I have a backup from Tosowoong, but nobody can really compete with this lovely milk, that not only protects my skin, but also makes for a kick ass primer!

Well, what can I say?
I fell head first for one of the Jolse Cosrx deals, and bought this, the gel cleanser I’ve tried before, but not the not so infamous moisture lotion with birch sap, but I know it’s raved about, and if I’m not mistaken it’s not a heavy moisturizer, which makes it a good companion in the summertime, so this I’m actually excited to try out!

And then, this one!

Basically I’m planning a trip in the beginning of September which might include sunbathing, and seeing as I’m an impatient lobsterprone person, I figured I should travel prepared, and what better way to treat sunburn than some aloe goodness? And have you seen that container? It’s adorable!
So yeah, it might not be all new shiny products, but some good old friends of mine, or my skin, all depending on how you see it!

Anyway, have you tried any of these products?

Let me know!



An ever so little reunion!

Hello everyone!

Today’s post will be about a product that I recieved the other day, after purchasing it a second time. I’m talking about the Moisture Bound Cream from Earth’s Recipe! Now, if you’ve followed our blog since pretty much the beginning (as it was one of our first posts), you might remember that I had a fling with this product a few months ago. But after I had emptied the jar, I moved on to another, and then another, and another, hoping that I’d come across an even better moisturizer. Turns out that I didn’t and I still haven’t. In other words; we’re back on the Earth’s Recipe Moisture Bound Cream! Stay tuned if you want to know how I’m getting along with this little gem this time around, and if you’re interested in my review on the product, you’ll find it here.

So it’s been three months since I reviewed the Moisture Bound Cream from Earth’s Recipe, and my thoughts on the product have changed a bit since then. Last time around I thought was pretty good, but now that I’ve switched up pretty much my whole skin care routine, and changed the way I use some of the products, I can tell that this product is even better than I thought. And here’s why:
The products I use before I apply the Moisture Bound Cream are better suited for my skin, and really gives it a chance to shine by providing a better canvas to work on, than before. A good moisturizer is meant to trap hydration inside the skin, making sure that it doesn’t get back out, leaving the skin dehydrated. But in order to do so sufficiantly, there has to be a certain ammount of hydration in the skin to begin with, something I failed to make sure of for a long time, including the period when I was using the Moisture Bound Cream. Since then I’ve thrown out quite a few products that simply were wrong for my skin, and replaced them with more hydrating products. And let me tell you, there is a world of difference. We’re not completely there yet, but we’re definetely getting somewhere! Hydrating products are such a game changer, at least for me. I’ve tried soo many different moisturizers, and I know from experience that you can apply the best moisturizing cream in the world, and it won’t be able to properly do it’s job of moisturizing unless you provide your skin with moisture beforehand.


I’ll be using the Moisture Bound Cream at least until this jar is empty, and hopefully I’ll have a newfound love for it and purchase it again. If you want to know how it goes, stay tuned and I’ll update you in a couple of weeks! I’m also planning to do a post on my updated skin care routine in the near future 🙂

Until next time,
Vicky  ❤

July Mishibox!

Hello darlings!

As I mentioned in my previous post the Mishibox for July arrived in my mailbox this week, and I’ve already tried one of the products inside! And I loved it, just FYI.

So if you’re a subscriber and haven’t received your box yet, you might consider not reading beyond this point, cuz I’m about to spill the beans on this box!

I actually reused the picture of the box itself from the previous post, because I’m a bit lazy in the summertime. Sorry, not sorry.

Anyway! Stop reading here if you don’t want to know what the box contains, as for the curious ones, let’s get cracking!

So many goodies! So yes, a lot of masks in this one, well, not a lot, but two face masks and a foot mask? Whoever packs this box wants us to stay glowy and hydrated in the summertime!

I’m a sucker for sheetmasks, so this is something I’m looking forward to try, the yoghurt mask pack from Skin’s Boni. I’ve read good things about it on Instagram and they’re almost always never correct. You feel me? 

Next we have the all in one modelling mask from Lindsay, now here they had a bunch of different ones, and you get one at random, lucky for me I got the shiny gold one that’s supposed to energize, this is going to be a treat for the skin after those long summer days at work!

Ah, this one. The Foot & Heel peeling mask from Esfolio.

I’ve already used it, and I have to admit that it’s my first time trying a foot mask, it was weird, imagine wanting to walk to the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee with these foot-diapers on. The struggle was real. But I managed. Now I’m just dreading the whole peeling part, which is to occur within the next three days. Oh god why.

Im guessing that the Mishibox people are big on spot treatments, the June box had a spot treatment from Proud Mary, that really didn’t do shit, so why the F are you so proud, Mary? But this one might be more up my alley! This is the Trouble Skin Solution from Chamos Acaci, and seeing as I love the lemon cream from the June box, things are looking good for the spot solution from the same manufacturer.
MCC’s Natural Herb Essential Lip Balm
This is one thing I’ve never actually used frequently, something as simple as a lip balm, and when I think about it, it makes perfect sense to care for your lips the same way you care for the rest of your body. I’ve previously used Laneige’s sleeping lip mask but it gives me nada except a greasy smooch on my pillowcase. Lovely. 

And lastly.. uggh. I’m sorry, but if you’ve leaped up with this blog you know how little love I have for Laneige, or rather the Laneige products I’ve tried so far, so in this month’s Mishibox there was of course a sleeping pack sample, from no other than Laneige. And again, any takers? It’s up for grabs!

So there you have it guys! Now I just have to test them all thoroughly, sniffing every scent and feeling every texture before I give you all awesome updates and reviews! Any wishes on what to test first? Let me know!

Have you tried any of these products? Feel free to share your experience with them!




Hello Darlings!
How’ve you been?
I’m finally home from vacation, and back on track with some K-beauty goodies!
So, we basically went on a Scandinavia tour, via car, so imagine my skin condition after long drives with the aircondition maxed, lordy, dryer than a dessert!
So I’ve been using a lot of sheet masks, and we’re back to basics!

While walking the streets of Copenhagen I stumbled upon a local Sephora, which we don’t have in Norway, and I know for a fact that they have an overpriced section with some K-beauty goodies, so of course, I bought some stuff!


Firstly the Tony Moly Panda’s Dream Special Kit, and I know, the eye stick has been featured on my “Rant of the week” a while back, but I really wanted the gel cream!
And since they only had the set I bought it. Did I mention that it was overpriced? Let’s just leave it at that.
I’ve only tested it twice, because I of course ran out of my beloved Etude House Water Jelly Cream right before we headed home again. And I really like it, I did think that it would resemble the sleeping pack that I love, and I was not wrong! So I’ll post a first impression of it later, promises.
The eye stick on the other hand has to find itself another home, any takers?

I also bought the Panda’s Dream Smudge Out Mascara, it was just standing there next to the registrer, calling my name!
And I love it, but holy balls, it’s one smudgy mess to wash off. We’re talking triple rounds with the current oil cleanser I’m using. Not sure if I should switch to a different oil cleanser or maybe just stop triple layering my mascara. We all know I’m not going to do either, because nothing beats that badass panda eyes look in the evening.


And last but not least, sheet masks!
I’ve heard many great things about Dr.Jart and figured it was about time I got on the hype train, the one I don’t trust but am to curious not to get on sometimes.

I haven’t tried any of them yet, but stuck to the trusted snail hydrogel mask from tony moly, this is one gem I stumbled upon the last time I was abroad and visited Sephora, that goddamn store, draining my wallet one visit at a time.

So yeah, that’s a little update from me, I also received the July Mishibox this week, so I’ll blog about that as well, because the content was awesome!

Have you tried any of these products?
Let me know!

Peace& Love

July empties!

Hey everyone!

In today’s post I’ll be taking you through the skin care products that are either empty as we speak, or running very low.

So let’s get to it!

The Multi Function Formula Snail Repair Intensive Ampoule from Mizon   ↓
Okay, I’ll be honest. This bad boy has been close to empty for some time now, but I took a break from it a while back and recently started using it again. Well, the little that was left. ANYWAY. It’s completely empty now, and I’m considering repurchasing it! If you’re interested in Mocka’s review on the product, you’ll find it here!

Photo borrowed from Google.

The Moistfull Collagen Water Jelly Cream from Etude House   ↓
This is a great little cream if you want something cheap that will last a long time, smells lovely, and last but not least; takes it’s job of moisturizing quite seriously. You can read my review on it here! I’ve finished about 7 tubs of this gel cream, and although it’s not FANTASTIC, it’s great for the price! Definetely a repurchase for me.


The Multi Function Formula Snail Repair Eye Cream from Mizon   ↓

I’ve had two or three tubes of this little gel, and now that I’ve emptied the most recent one, I know that I will repurchase! I’m not sure how effective it is, but I love it’s thin consistency and gentle cooling effect. And I just think that it’s a great little eye cream to have on hand. Plus it’s mega cheap!

Photo borrowed from Google.

The Jeju Lava Seawater Boosting Ampoule from Innisfree   ↓
Now, this little sh*t didn’t exactly last long before the “Repurchase or not?-question” became real! The thing is, when it arrived, about one third of the product just wasn’t there, and then, about a week ago, me being the idiot that I am, managed to knock it over TWICE in about 7,5 seconds. So, yeah. But I do like the product and I might repurchase it. You’ll find my first impression here. Lol, you know you’ve messed up when you spill the remaining half of a product down the sink before you get your review out.


The Jeju Horse Oil Soothing Gel Cream from The Saem   ↓
Oh my Gosh. I just love this one. I’m usually not a fan of body lotions but this has seriously impressed my balls off. It absorbs into the skin like a dream, leaving it soothed, moisturized and smelling delish! After application the skin has a natural glow and doesn’t feel sticky or oily when touched. Score! I don’t use it every day or night, but whenever I’m going out and my arms/legs are showing, I put some on. Bye bye dry patches, hello amaze! If you’re interested in the first impression, you’ll find it here.


So that’s it for my July empties! Hope you enjoyed 🙂

– Vicky  ❤


I gots me some of that Mishibox Magic!

Hello Darlings!

Can I just start off with giving creds to Mr. Boyfriend for actually getting all the hints I’ve been dropping the last couple of months before my birthday?
With hints being bombarding of Mishibox talk 24/7.
If you’re no stranger to our blog you might have noticed that we love testing new products, reading about them, putting them in our basket, clicking them home, and waiting. Well, we hate the waiting, but everything else is pure skintastic magic!
And when it finally arrives, YAY, Christmas day!

Anyway, I do enjoy a surprise every now and then, so I’ve been considering buying a subscription box, but I never really got around to doing it, so when the SO started asking me about what I wanted for my birthday the answer was simple, and he actually bought it! So hyped!

You know what’s even more hype? The first box arrived yesterday, and I swear it was like a birthday and a mini christmas morning all at the same time!

Now, I will talk about what’s in the box, so if you’re a subscriber and haven’t received your June box yet, you might not want to keep reading on. But if you’re as curious as me, keep reading hun!


First of all, I love the box, pink, with a little bunny on it, what more can I ask for? Or any other bunny-loving pink-sniffing k-beauty blogger?
Again, spoiler alert, here’s what the box contains!


Now, this is my first box ever, but I have to say I’m very impressed with the content of it, I haven’t gotten around to testing any of it yet, seeing as I leave the country tomorrow, but I will bring with me a little something something to test while we’re on the road!


First off, we have this little fellow!
Cleansing water from Thank You Farmer, this is just adorable! And I have heard good things about this brand, so I’m looking forward to trying the product, it’s also sample sized, so super for when you’re on the go!


Then there’s the A.C. Cure Spot Solution from Proud Mary, not that I’ve actually ever heard of Proud Mary, but if this products works I can totally get why she’s proud. This will also be tested on the road, seeing as my skin is being a total a’hole right now with allergy season and too much BB cream usage.


YES! LEMON! I like lemons, but the good sour ones, not the bitter mushy ones.
This is the Chamos Acaci Lemon Ultra Whitening Cream, it’s supposed to control sebum and whiten, what’s not to like about it?


This is just so friggin cute!
It’s the Pink Fruity Wash Off Mask from Half Moon Eyes
I have never tried these types of masks, so I’m actually quite curious as to how they are when applied, I’m guessing it’s just like any other face mask, but hey, they come it these cute little portion sized packs, of course it could be something else entirely or just the same, I’ll just have to test it to know!

Lastly, but not least, the product I’m currently trying while writing this post

Esfolio’s Red Ginseng Essence Mask Sheet
There’s basically nothing like a real good sheet mask, to me that is.
These are just a must if you want that extra boost of moisture and bounce, these as in sheet masks in general, so far I’m liking this, but I’ll have to report back to you guys on how much I liked/hated it.

So there you have it, pretty simple and fun products I can’t wait to try and hopefully love!
What surprised me the most is that I’ve never used or heard of these products before. I have heard about some of the manufacturers, but not the specific product.

Anyway! In a few hours I’m leaving for my summer vacation and won’t be blogging the upcoming week, I’ll try my best to IG some goodies, but you know, those drinks with umbrellas and shopping might take all my energy, sorry, not sorry.
I’ll be back the week after with juicy new content, but until then Vicky will have to guide you guys in our adventure through the jungle known as everything Asian Beauty related!

Have you tried any of these products?
Let me know!

Hope you guys have a lovely week!

The Big BB Cream Battle; Part 3!

Hello Darlings!

Yes, I know, I’ve been off the radar for a while, with summer and all I’ve been offline for some time, and I will be going away on summer holiday this weekend, so this might be my last post for a little while, I will try to IG a little bit, fingers crossed that there’s wifi!

Anyway, you’ve probably been waiting for this mofo, so let’s get this battle over with!


First off, there are reviews out on these bad boys already, here’s the Missha one, and here’s the Holika Holika one, be sure to read them first, before getting the scoop on which one you shouldn’t be without!

I started this journey being a realistic optimist, thinking that at least one of these would make my skin days better than ever before!
After having tested them both together and separately I’m sad to inform that this post should’ve been a rant of the week, BUT, that’s my experience with them, you might find them amazeballs!

Let’s take a closer look at them separately;

Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream Shade 21.

Name: Missha M Perfect Cover B.B Cream
Product: BB cream
Good For: anti aging, brightening effects, disguise blemishes
Description:The Perfect Cover BB Cream from Missha offers medium coverage that disguises blemishes, evens out skin tone, protects from sun damage (SPF 42 PA+++), and even provides anti-aging and brightening effects. Perfect for those on the go — this multi-purpose BB cream makes your life (and your makeup bag) a whole lot simpler.
Price: 13$ (ebay)

My first thought when trying this was that it was superduper grey, and that I would end up with a sick grey-cast on my face after applying it. Well, I was pleasantly surprised when I applied it, and the way it provided cover to the spots and red areas on my face was really nice!
The finish is semi matte with a little too much glow for my taste, so I applied this, then a thin layer of setting powder, just to get that matte gorgeousness going!
The first week I used it I was really over the moon, thinking that it was indeed the beginning of an amazing bb cream relationship!
Well.. My skin has never looked worse. I’m literally back to where I began, and it sucks, you guys. Friggin’ blows.
My chin suddenly got all of these gnarly red zits that were huge and irritated! My temples are still covered in small bumps, and my forehead is CC city. Goddamnit.
So I saw it fit to just shelf this for a little while, get my skin calm again before I continued the battle of ze grand BB creams.

Enter the Holika Holika one!

Name: Holika Holika Petit BB Clearing
Product: BB cream
Good For: Pore care, cover imperfections, soothe skin.
Description: Clear those pores while getting beautifully smooth coverage! Holika Holika’s  Clearing Petit BB Cream is the answer for your troubled, sensitive skin. Infused with blemish-preventing Tea Tree Oil, redness is reduced and irritated pimples are soothed. It’s also specially formulated with sebum-absorbing powder to control excessive oil production, a common issue for those of us with troubled and sensitive skin. The smooth and natural-looking finish helps to perfectly cover any imperfections for a flawless finish!
Price: 5$ (ebay) Basically, this is dirt cheap.

This one I did test before I tested the Missha in depth, they both got half a face each for a week before I tested them separately.
But I did wait a little while after the Missha one before I tested this one.
It applies easily, a bit thicker than the Missha BB cream, but both spreads evenly and easy.
This too is too glowy for my taste, so again, I covered this with a little finishing powder, which gives me the matte look I love.
I had high hopes for this one, it’s supposed to contain tea tree, which is a God in the fight against acne prone skin, but it didn’t really help that much in my fight.
The first couple of days I thought that this was helping my skin, rather than f’ing it up, but maybe I was just a happy go lucky fool?
Because my skin didn’t really like this BB cream either.
It’s not as bad as the other culprit, but I’m slowly concluding that my skin is not made to be a BB cream covered canvas.
Now, at this point I reached a crossroad, I could clear up my skin by not using any of the products, which meant going out into the world feeling like shit and looking like shit, which to be honest, no one wants. OR, I could cover up the shit my face was covered in, with the bad guy that gave me a shitty looking face.
Guess what I did?
I made it worse!
But, all in the name of science you guys!
I split my face in two equal parts, not literally tho. And used the Holika Holika on one side and the Missha on the other, just to test if one was worse than the other.
Want to know the results?
HAH, I hate them both. 
Again, my face and BB creams don’t go together. So up until yesterday I continued to mix them for maximum coverage until I today decided that I should just ride this shit out, and stop all BB cream usage until my skin gets better, wise choice right?

BUT, keep in mind that this is my experience with the products, I’m sure that other mortals have better experiences with these seemingly amazing products!
So how did they do in their battle?

I’ve rated them both earlier;
The bold part in parentheses are the old scores, and I’ve also added the Price VS Performance part. Which means, how well does the product perform considering the price.


Holika Holika Clearing Petit BB Cream:
Packaging: 7/10
Scent: 7/10
Texture: 8/10
Performance: 6/10  (7/10)
Coverage: 6/10      (7/10)
Price VS Performance: 7/10

Total Score: 7/10

This product gets:

💄💄💄💄💄💄💄 7/10

Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream
Packaging: 6/10
Scent: 5/10
Texture: 6/10
Performance: 6/10  (7/10)
Coverage: 5/10    (7/10)
Price VS Performance: 4/10
Total Score: 5/10  (6/10)

This product gets:

💄💄💄💄💄💄 5/10

So based on my experience with these two products and how well they performed without taking into consideration that my skin couldn’t handle either of them, I would have to say that for me, the Holika Holika one is the winner. Not only is it dirt cheap and provides good coverage, but it was also the lesser of two evils for me, and having the sensitive skin that I have, that fact alone scores major creamy points in my book.


So there you have it, typos and all!
Holika Holika earns a gold star from me!

Remember, this is my experience with these products, you might not have the same, and the products can work wonders for some, and be bad for some. Your Mileage May Vary, and we’re all different, you should always check the ingredient list and read about the products you’re considering before purchasing it, but hey, no pressure!

Have you tried any of these products?
Let me know!



Two new arrivals!

Hey everyone!

Today’s post will revolve around two products that arrived very newly. I’m talking about the Jeju Lava Seawater Deep Essence from Innisfree and the 100% Organic Cold-pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil from The Ordinary! I decided to include both of these products in one post as opposed to giving them seperate “first impressions” like I usually do. I did this because I’ve already experienced the deep essence before, so I couldn’t really write a first impression post about that one. And Mocka has already reviewed the rose hip seed oil here, as she purchased it before me. But I might do a review on it myself later on, cause you can never get too many opinions on a thing, right? Or can you?  :O

Anyway, let’s see those beauties   ↓



So as you may have guessed, I purchased the rose hip seed oil from The Ordinary after Mocka got on the hype train and ran me over with it! She raved HARD about this product for quite some time and wrote a glowing review on it a while back. Apparently this baby comes from The Skin Clearing Heavens! Needless to say; I was wrapped in a dated newspaper and sold like cold salmon on the street. And as far as I can tell, I’m really loving this sh*t. I think it’s keeping my skin in check, but it’ll take some time before I can confirm this for sure. But what I can say is that it adds some moisture and nourishment to whatever cream you mix it with (if that’s how you choose to apply it, of course). It takes a mediochre moisturizer to the next level, if not even further! It adds a lot of thickness without clogging pores or causing me to break out. Loooove.

When it comes to the Innisfree Jeju Lava Seawater Deep Essence, this one’s no stranger to me! That’s right, unlike the rose hip seed oil I’ve had this deep essence in my routine at a much earlier stage of my K-beauty obsession. I was slapping that sh*t on my face every day and every night until I ran out. And I don’t know why, but I just didn’t repurchase it after it was gone. And now that I finally have, it’s safe to say that I have a new-found love for it. It smells soo good, and I feel that it helps hydrate my face just a little bit more than usual. Result!


Both of these products have been successfully introduced into my current skin care regimen. Although one can never be too sure about any product, I have high hopes for the future. Yep, I can see myself using them both in my everyday routine, for quite some time. At least until something potencially better comes along!

Feel free to give me a shout if you’d like to hear more about these two!
Until then,
Vicky  ❤